Ken Rubenstein talks about tax evaders, offshore accounts and Madoff victims

Here’s a couple videos from tech ticker featuring Ken Rubinstein of Rubinstein & Rubinstein. Topics discussed are tax evasion, off shore tax havens, Bernie Madoff’s victims and the situation with UBS. USA to UBS: Hand Over Tax Evaders, Or Else! Swiss Bank’s American Assets at Risk IRS “Turning Over Every Rock” to Raise Revenue: Obama […]

Marc Andreesen Discusses his New Venture Firm, Silicon Valley and the Futures of the Web

Sarah Lacy of Yahoo’s Tech Ticker interviews Marc Andreesen, entrepreneur, angel investor and now VC fund partner. Marc Andreessen Raises $300M Venture Firm; Predicts Hundreds of Others Will Close Facebook Going Public? No, But They Could, Andreessen Says Where the Co-Creator of the Web Browser Sees the Web Going Does Venture Capital Have a Future […]

Cramer says Lenny Dykstra is one the best stock pickers in the world…then Dykstra files for bankruptcy

Lenny Dykstra just filed for bankruptcy. He claims $50,000 in assets and liabilities somewhere between $10 million and $50 million. By itself I could care less about this, but the funny and ironic part of the story is Jim Cramer has gone on the record to say Dykstra is one of the best stock pickers […]