How Seinfeld Can Help You Trade Better

There’s a common path to proficiency in many fields. It doesn’t matter if you’re pursuing trading, chess, law, medicine, computer programming or entertainment.
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Jerry Seinfeld was asked why his TV show in the 90’s was so good. Here’s his response…

Let me tell you why my TV series in the 90s was so good, besides just an inordinate amount of just pure good fortune. In most TV series, 50 percent of the time is spent working on the show, 50 percent of the time is spent dealing with personality, political, and hierarchical issues of making something. We spent 99 percent of our time writing. Me and Larry [David]. The two of us. The door was closed. It’s closed. Somebody calls. We’re not taking the call. We were gonna make this thing funny. That’s why the show was good.

There’s a lot of wisdom in this very short quote. And if can’t figure out what it is, you have no chance at succeeding at anything.
Turn off Facebook. Turn off Twitter. Turn off Youtube. Close your email. If you want to make it as a trader, roll up your sleeves and get to work. Constantly ask yourself: Is what I’m doing right now getting me closer to my goal? If the answer isn’t a resounding yes, stop doing it.
Yes life happens to all of us. School, kids, family obligations, this, that, whatever. Somehow our schedules get filled. But in the end if you really want this, do what Seinfeld did. Close the door. Don’t take the call.
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2 thoughts on “How Seinfeld Can Help You Trade Better

  1. Gross debt is growing in the USA and worldwide. There are ways to prepare for a financial crisis, although an ongoing and global crash could complicate things for even preppers. But there are still ways to prepare and an open and educated mind is step one. If you still believe the government and global elites have your best interests in mind, you probably also don’t anticipate a global economic crash, and therefore, are not going to prepare. For the rest of us, taking on a “prepper’s mindset” will give you the upper hand in any financial crisis. First, end personal debt, incur no more debt, consider A Few metals silver etc., seem a good thing…. and lots of cash in US dollars.

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