This is Every Stock on the Leavitt Brothers Trading List

Trading has been very good lately. If you turn the TV off, ignore the gloom and doom news and just trade the charts, there has been many opportunities available to you. As of the close of trading on Apr 29, this is every stock on the Leavitt Brothers trading list.

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9 thoughts on “This is Every Stock on the Leavitt Brothers Trading List

  1. You should be able to retire on all those great called the top and got out.this week was the greatest trades of all times.congradulations.

  2. Wow, there is about 40 stocks on the list. How can you follow and swing trade 40 active stocks without getting overwhelmed? Do you narrow the list down to the top 10-15 every week?

  3. Thank you for sharing your work, it’s impressive. To some extent these long trades have worked because the market has been rising. How did you do when the market was falling? Did you just go to cash or did you recommend short trades?

  4. Jason, I went through all of the trades and apart from 4, every single one hit their target.
    Congratulations on picking up the right trades.
    Can you share in your YT channel, how do you come up with the Target price and what stops you recommend to protect the downside?

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