Really outstanding info. Hits home at why I’ve been unprofitable, too spread out all over. This info really helps, probably the best half hour I’ve spent in awhile.
I don’t know how they determine group strength, but I’d certainly start at the top of the list and work my way down if you have access. also ranks groups.
Also Stockcharts now lists SCTR’s daily for most stocks/ETF’s on its free site. SCTR stands for ‘StockCharts Technical Rank’ – a number between 0 and 100 that indicates a stock’s relative technical strength.
The videos were all “unavailable”.
Give it another shot…they should be there.
Another typical outstanding video from Jason. His professionalism and insight are second to none!
Thanks James.
All around nice job.
Thanks Pete.
Really outstanding info. Hits home at why I’ve been unprofitable, too spread out all over. This info really helps, probably the best half hour I’ve spent in awhile.
Thanks David.
Excellent presentation. Investor’s Daily publishes a table ranking about 190 groups. What do you think its use to determine group strength?
I don’t know how they determine group strength, but I’d certainly start at the top of the list and work my way down if you have access. also ranks groups.
Also Stockcharts now lists SCTR’s daily for most stocks/ETF’s on its free site. SCTR stands for ‘StockCharts Technical Rank’ – a number between 0 and 100 that indicates a stock’s relative technical strength.