Small Caps vs. Large Caps

The small caps usually lead. When they out-perform the large caps, the market moves up; when they under-perform, the market moves down. This chart shows the performance of $SML vs. $OEX and how it caused the $SPX to move. …

0 thoughts on “Small Caps vs. Large Caps

  1. Nice charts…same can be said for the shanghi index. Also possible breakout in gold over $1000 without the decline in the dollar can also be a signal off the bear market returning from its hibernation

  2. What are the components of the $SML? Are they the bottom 100 of the SPX cap wise?
    The first chart, $SML:$OEX, is that a net percent difference? There’s only one line.
    Does your comment system have the email notify function where if someone posts a reply to my comment I get a email?

      1. Thanks. Is there a discipline on indexes? It came to me that the tide raises all boats, but it’s really the individual boats that collectively raise the tide.
        Also, on the email notification. I remember one site where a person posted an ad which went to everyone on the email list so the moderator had to turn that function off. So maybe that’s why it’s not there. You’d have to moderate each comment to make sure it wasn’t spamming your clients.

        1. Rich….IMO it’s a handful of stock which raise the tide and then everything else comes along for the ride. So it’s a little of both (with regards to which comes first). Some stocks will follow the market; others actually can influence it.

  3. Thanks. Is there a discipline on indexes? It came to me that the tide raises all boats, but it’s really the individual boats that collectively raise the tide.
    Also, on the email notification. I remember one site where a person posted an ad which went to everyone on the email list so the moderator had to turn that function off. So maybe that’s why it’s not there. You’d have to moderate each comment to make sure it wasn’t spamming your clients.

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