Recent Breakouts

Despite the quiet market and light volume, there have been many very good breakouts the last week+. There’s no way you can get all of these, but you can certainly get a couple.

0 thoughts on “Recent Breakouts

  1. Another paid website that I follow gives their audience one
    free pick 2 or 3 times a week. I would like to see a free
    pick listed here on the public blog to get a better feel of
    what the capabilities of Jason’s website is all about
    (before the breakout, that is). HW

  2. Yes, there has been several breakouts, but during the Santa Clause rally for the most part. I have been watching AAPL though.
    I think we still need to day trade until the reality of the new year has a chance to settle in. Momentum trading has been an utter failure for over a year.

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