VIDEO: State of the Market

This isn’t actually a video…it’s just me talking about where I think the market is right now.

0 thoughts on “VIDEO: State of the Market

  1. Nice analysis Jason. I think we all know conceptually what’s going on behind the scenes. The Ben Bernank has made it clear. However, as this transfer of wealth from the lower and middle class to the plutocracy continues, you have to believe there will be periods of time where “the invisible hand” will give the go ahead to the large prop traders to cash in on short positions. It’s probably a bit early for that as retail has just started moving back in to stock mutual funds after being talked in to it for over a year now on PUMP TV. There is more retail money that can be fleeced, but they’ve got to talk it in to the market. However, trying to anticipate when the “all clear to short” happens will bankrupt people that short and load up on puts too early. I think you are right. Trading bullishly, but with a large cash position is prudent. Technically, nothing makes sense.

  2. I know this audio was published a few days but this for you jay. Agreed dude, hell we could stay overbought for awhile. P/C, hell I’ve been following this one guy that figures we’re heading for 600 spx again in 2 years. Christ I don’t know whether to go long or short dude.

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