High Frequency Trading: It's Not Why You Lose

This is part II of a 3-part series about High Frequency Trading (HFT). In Part I, the use of computers to quickly identify and execute trades was discussed. Today, in part II, access to data is dissected.

More than any other HFT topic, this one irritates the anit-HFT crowd the most. The market is a gathering place – be it physical or digital – where buyers and sellers of thousands of financial products meet to do business. It is argued everyone should have access to all information and data at the exact same time – the integrity of the market depends on it. Companies should disclose information in a known and predictable manner and prices of financial products should be released to everyone at the same time. No one should have access to anything prior to anyone else.
click here to continue reading

0 thoughts on “High Frequency Trading: It's Not Why You Lose

  1. it is a article obviousely by a pollitican or a high freq co –as it does not tell the whole story
    hft companies can see all the data inc where your stops are and can run your stops easy and on the indexes
    they can also withdraw sell orders to push the market up or can manipulate it in any which way they want as they see all orders
    further more they can manipulate fair value cash price to futures causing the exchange to buy/sell to bring futures and cash in line
    therfore become a daytrader and follow the hft with live indicators

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